I would highly recommend working with Dr. Jadan if you feel you’ve tried conventional medicine and getting nowhere. I’ve struggled with menstrual, hormonal, weight, and anxiety issues for most of my life. I tried various medications to help heal parts of me, to no avail. Sometimes they treated one thing then added on 10 others. It’s been a rough journey to say the least. Since working with Dr. Jadan, I’ve managed to have my first most “normal” menstrual cycle in a very long time and without needing any pain relievers or laying in bed for days. I’ve lost weight doing keto, going gluten, dairy, and sugar free. I’ve been afraid of the sun all my life due to instant burning, now I’m in the sun first thing in the morning and at sunset. I try to get as much vitamin D as I can! I’ve implemented many supplements that have made a noticeable change in my cravings and mood. I’m grateful to have had my consultation and to start truly healing. I highly recommend making an appointment and getting your health in check with Dr. Jadan. I’m excited to see where this gets me long term, but I can say I’ve see many positive changes in a relatively short time.